“Fairbridge Kids for the Queens Visit 1954” by Micheal Pass

I awoke in the ungodly hours of the  early morning and with several other kids made my way down to the kitchen at the Nuffield hall. There i sliced bread and helped make a huge pile of sandwiches. These we then wrapped in paper and packed them into 3 baskets. A quick breakfast, and then on to the bus to Molong, for the train to Bathurst. On arrival in Bathurst the marshals herded us along to a defined area and we settled down to wait.

We waited and waited and eventually had lunch wondering all the time what was going on. At 1.30pm people started to stand up and we became quite excited. Over the public address system we heard many speeches. Eventully at 3 pm there was even greater excitement with many people leaning and pushing forward. I needless to say was quite scared. The cheering got louder and closer,and suddenly it was all around us, i then saw an open topped car with a young lady waving. Whoosh and she was gone.

That was the visit of the Queen to Bathurst. We all duly made our way back to Bathurst station for the train trip to Molong.

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About The Phantom

Came to Fairbridge Molong in 1957 and began immediately as a farm trainee. I was 15 yrs old. I loved the work,but found it very lonely and the bullying was awful. Billy Gelson saved me many times in Orange cottage from beatings. I loved this man. I have had a successful life with a wife who died in 2003. I have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. Life has been a challenge since Maureen died.. Brian K OF
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