From: Derek Moriarty
Sent: Wednesday, 2 February 2022, 5:25 pm
Subject: Cancellation
Hi everyone,
As we are all aware Covid is playing a huge part in everything we do these days and no matter what precautions we may take, it doesn’t discriminate.
Currently two of our board members have contracted it and apart from being ill, they have the isolation and testing that has to be done according to never ending changes as determined by the powers that be. We wish them a speedy recovery.
On Sunday 30 January 2022, The Board of The Old Fairbridgians Association – Molong Inc. met in Sydney to discuss a number of important items, not the least of which was our proposed biennial Reunion Dinner and Annual General Meeting, currently scheduled for Saturday 26 March, and Sunday 27 March, 2022, respectively.
After taking into account the great uncertainty of all things Covid related, The Board decided it would be in the best interest of all concerned to defer the Reunion Dinner indefinitely, and that the Annual General Meeting be deferred to another date, on or before June 30 this year. A notice for this Meeting will be sent at a later date.
We regret having to make this decision but believe we have made the right call, owing to the fact that so much of what we can and cannot do these days is totally out of our control, and the health and safety of our members is our number one priority.
For those of you who have already paid for tickets, you will be refunded in full.
We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused, and remind anyone who has already booked accommodation that you immediately cancel your booking. Most Hotels and Motels these days will refund any deposits paid in advance if you give reasonable notice.
For all inquiries I can be contacted by email at: or call Mob: 0429 494 021.
Regards to you all,