Paul Moriarty, passed away on the 16th January 1992 in Canberra ACT, age 47 yrs.
Paul was born in Chelsea, London in 1945, he is survived by his 4 childen, Karen ,Sonja, Wayne, and Graham together with 8 grandchildren.
He came to the Fairbridge Farm School at Molong, with his brother Derek in 1951. There were 6 other children in the party.
Paul left Fairbridge Molong in 1961, for his first job which was on a sheep property in Bathurst, NSW.
He subsequently became a builders labourer in a building firm in the town of Hay, NSW. It was in Hay that he met Gayle his wife. Paul moved to Melbourne in 1968 due to health problems with his wife. He eventually settled in Tasmania where he became a supervisor for a sand blasting and spray painting business.
These skills enabled him to establish a successful business in Melbourne in his later years. Paul was a keen fisherman in his spare time. All of Pauls children have been successful in life.
Gayle his wife passed away in 1986 aged 34 yrs.
His sister Pauline, who never came to Australia still lives in the UK. Derek Moriarty the President of the OFA lives near Wollongong, NSW